Avast Ultimate

This is a comprehensive cybersecurity suite that combines advanced antivirus protection, VPN services, and system optimization tools to ensure your digital life is secure, private, and optimized.

Here are some of the key features:

  1. Advanced Antivirus: Protects your computer from viruses, malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks in real time.
  2. SecureLine VPN: Encrypts your internet connection, providing online privacy, security, and access to geo-restricted content.
  3. Cleanup Premium: Optimizes your PC by removing junk files, enhancing performance, and freeing up valuable disk space.
  4. Password Manager: Securely stores and manages your passwords, ensuring strong and unique credentials for online accounts.
  5. Webcam Shield: Guards against unauthorized access to your webcam, preserving your privacy.
  6. Ransomware Shield: Avast Ultimate safeguards critical files from ransomware attacks.
  7. File Shredder: Permanently deletes sensitive files, preventing data recovery.
  8. Automatic Software Updater: Avast Ultimate keeps your software and applications up to date to patch vulnerabilities.
  9. Behavior Shield: Monitors and blocks suspicious behavior, protecting against zero-day threats.
  10. Email and Phishing Protection: Avast Ultimate safeguards your email inbox from phishing scams and malicious attachments.
  11. Vulnerability Scan: Detects and advises on potential weaknesses in your system’s security.
  12. Wi-Fi Inspector: Identifies vulnerabilities in your Wi-Fi network, ensuring a secure internet connection.
  13. Premium Support: Access priority customer support for expert assistance when needed.